Pregnant in College?

The central argument that my infographic is making is this one; young adults need to be more careful with their sex lives and make sure to they’re using effective contraceptive methods of some sort to prevent the disproportionate amount of unintended pregnancies in their age group. To get my message across, I chose a variety of different data points that started off broad and got increasingly more specific as I developed the point I was driving at. I also used intentional design choices to capture the attention of the viewer.

Firstly, I chose the title “Pregnant in College” and made it the largest font and put it in bold so as to immediately capture the viewers attention. Because the target audience of this infographic is young adults, I figured that a title that directly spoke to their situation, such as being in college (although I realize that not all young adults are in college, I still believe that most would be intrigued by the title), would be best suited for grabbing any potential viewers’ attention. Furthermore, I made the background white, as well the colors of the separation bars grey, to be as neutral as possible. This is because the infographic dealt with abortion, and I did not want to give off the erroneous impression that it was an indictment of abortion, which was not at all what I wanted to convey.

In addition, the statistics I chose started off very broad with a general figure of how many pregnancies are unintended in general so as to give the viewer a general picture of the situation. I then began getting increasingly more specific with each statistic, detailing how many of those unintended pregnancies ended in abortion and providing a graph as well, while then delving even deeper by getting into how the abortion rates for young adults are disproportionately high. This enabled me to then detail why this was (not enough contraceptive use) and finally explain how young adults can get a hold of contraceptives for free or for very cheap.

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